About Maths Waali

Maths Waali is all about leveling the playing field of maths learning by doing maths.

The need to be mathematically literate is what we are addressing. Our primary business is to provide mathematics learning via a mobile phone app.

Do you have a fear of mathematics? Is this something you wish you could address for yourself? Do you have a school going child with maths phobia or maths anxiety? Help her . Sign her up with Maths Waali.

Maths Waali means one who does math. We ask you to do one math problem each day.

People learn mathematics in different ways. No one way is right or wrong. Let us show you how you can help yourself. A simple download of the phone app gets you started.

Our experienced team has put together some maths fun for you – just one problem each day. Get your daily dose of maths fun with a simple click and submit your solution with a click. We send you feedback immediately and help you track your learning over time.

Learn maths by DOING it, through the Maths Waali app.

Vision: We believe that more folks can learn math and learn it well. We enable school students to improve their math performance by doing more problems. We see a world where anyone can have basic maths literacy and we work towards this.

Mission: Our mission is to help students get rid of the fear of mathematics they may have. We work with schools to create math learning communities. Its never too late in life to learn maths. Adults who wish to revisit basic math can do so with our app.

The Origins

Founder Seema Nanda is a mathematician, teacher and entrepreneur. She has worked in leadership positions in the corporate environment and in academia in the USA (Harvey Mudd College) and in India (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)). Her expertise is in solving real world problems by applying mathematics. She has created mathematical models to understand biological processes such as antibody escape of a virus, spread of infectious diseases and drug dosing in cancer. She has developed computational models for engineering and finance firms and has been funded by private companies and the Government (USA and India) for her research projects. She has taught students extensively and guided research projects for students at levels ranging from middle school to PhD in mathematics, for more than 15 years. She has a passion for improving the lives of girls, in particular via mathematics and science. She started an NGO Leora Trust (www.leoratrust.com) in 2012 which aims to empower girls by focusing on the foundations of learning. Leora trust has touched the lives of over 500 students in different ways. She received her doctorate from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University.